Showing posts with label rpg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rpg. Show all posts

Saturday, March 1

Let's look at "War of roses" How do I use my shield.. oh I'm dead

War of Roses!

Free To Play!

I'm very happy to be showing this game off here at Gamer 3T.  This video was uploaded by PrinceofMacedon

Play war of roses  HERE

Revisit; Mount&Blade: Warband Multiplay "carnage to the 5th degree"

Mount&Blade: Warband multiplayer Revisit

Were going to show you a video recorded by youtube user nipeseno

Even if you aren't able to purchase this, you can still enjoy this video.  Look for our next video showing a mount and blade type game that is free.

Friday, February 28

Mount&Blade:War Band "100vs100 oh my!"

Mount&Blade War Band

Mount&blade war band may cause addiction


Mount&Blade War Band... what can I say.. It's one of those games you'll almost instantly fall in love with. I'm warning you now, you will become addicted to this game.  It may take an hour or two but it will happen.  Once you get the hang of it you'll be so hooked your wife or girl friend will be jealous. 

Ok enough of that, Mount&Blade War Band is one hell of a game and thank you tale worlds for this masterful creation of awesomeness.

Mount and blade war band is a game about med-evil times,  conquering the revival factions, and gaining wealth and fame.